Please note, before you start using our website it is advisable that you read our Privacy Policy first. Proceed using our website or site if you agree with all the clauses. If you have any reservations or disagree with any of the terms or clauses, contact us or avoid site usage.
Our privacy policy covers details about the information that we at New Success University (NSU) collect from you (the site or service user) and our practices pertaining to information usage, maintenance, protection and disclosure. Therefore, we advise you to thoroughly read this policy before you proceed so that you are well-aware of our information collection and usage process.
Please read the sections below carefully:
At NSU, we collect various types of data/ information about you (the site or service user). Please note, that information that we may obtain about you can either be acquired directly from you or from your activities on our website.
By using our site and services, you agree that we shall transfer, store and even process your personal data that you provide to us to our data storage center. At NSU, we will take all the necessary steps to make sure that your personally identifiable data/information is kept safely and treated securely in conformance with our privacy policy.
The information that we collect about you and gather from you is used in a variety of ways. Here are the ways that it may be used:
Please note that we don’t sell, rent, disclose or trade information to others except the third parties that are clearly mentioned in this privacy policy:
We, at New Success University, give you the right to update and correct your personally identifiable data that we have about you in our system. You have the ability to:
You can access your account on our site by inserting your password. The password remains encrypted for your privacy. Also, it is advisable not to share your password with anyone for data safety, and security purposes.
It is also recommended that you create a password that includes a combination of numbers and letters so that it is hard to crack it. Furthermore, if you share your device with someone, make sure to log out of your account to prevent non-users from accessing it.
You agree and accept that under no circumstance you can hold us accountable in case your account gets hacked or password is cracked.
At New Success University, we use cookies for tracking user interactions. These cookies are used for information collection about how users use our website. The information collected is then compiled into reports which help us improve our website browsing experience. If you like you can choose to stop cookies from tracking your site visit. However, this decision will not affect your site browsing experience and may stop you from accessing certain pages on our website too.
By using our site and services, you confirm that you agree to our privacy policy. You also agree and accept that we have all rights reserved to change, edit, or amend our privacy policy at any given time with or without notification. Therefore, we request you to check our privacy policy page frequently to see changes or updates made to it.
For queries, complaints, suggestions, or reservations regarding any privacy policy term or changes to your account, contact our customer support. Call us at +1-281-912-9419 or Email us at