PHP Development Fundamentals

PHP Development Fundamentals


This PHP Development Fundamentals course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of server-side web development using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). Whether you are a beginner looking to enter the world of web development or an experienced programmer aiming to add PHP to your skill set, this course covers essential concepts and practical skills.



This PHP Development Fundamentals course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of server-side web development using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). Whether you are a beginner looking to enter the world of web development or an experienced programmer aiming to add PHP to your skill set, this course covers essential concepts and practical skills.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Introduction to PHP:
    • History and significance of PHP
    • Basic syntax and data types
    • Setting up a PHP development environment
  2. PHP Fundamentals:
    • Variables, constants, and data manipulation
    • Control structures: loops and conditional statements
    • Functions and their usage
    • Arrays and strings in PHP
  3. Web Development Basics:
    • Understanding HTTP and client-server communication
    • HTML and CSS integration with PHP
    • Form handling and data validation
  4. Database Connectivity:
    • Introduction to databases (MySQL, SQLite, etc.)
    • PHP Data Objects (PDO) for database interaction
    • CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  5. Object-Oriented PHP:
    • Classes and objects
    • Inheritance and polymorphism
    • Exception handling
  6. Security Best Practices:
    • Input validation and data sanitization
    • Secure coding practices
    • Protection against common web vulnerabilities (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
  7. Working with APIs:
    • Consuming external APIs
    • JSON and XML data handling
    • Building RESTful services with PHP
  8. Web Application Deployment:
    • Configuring and deploying PHP applications
    • Server considerations and hosting options
  9. Project Work:
    • Practical hands-on projects to reinforce learning
    • Developing a dynamic web application using PHP

By the end of this PHP Development Fundamentals course, participants will have gained the skills and knowledge required to create dynamic, interactive, and secure web applications using PHP. Whether pursuing a career as a full-stack developer or specializing in backend development, this course provides a solid foundation for further exploration and advancement in the field of web development.


  • Basic Khowledge of HTML
  • Basic Knowledge of CSS


  • Comprehensive Curriculum
  • Database Integration
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Web Security Focus
  • API Integration
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Flexible Learning Resources

Course Material

  1. Downloadable Course File(PDF)
  2. Downloadable Code Files(PDF)


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